Today, George got adopted by a wonderful family with two younger children and another sheep dog. It was heartbreaking to let go of George. We have been there for him for over a year. But this is HIS family. They love him, they want him and their dog is very happy to have George living with him now. We rescued George from a miserable, lonely life on a chain. We already have three other rescue dogs, so we knew we needed to find him a new family. We talked to local shelters and the Humane Society, but we really wanted to decide who would get George. We posted him here on Rescue Me. Within an hour of posting him, a very nice woman called. She had waited for a sheep dog to come up on the site. Several other people contacted us as well, but this one person really wanted him. We spent a couple of weeks emailing and talking on the phone and her family seemed to be an obvious choice. So today, George met his new family for the first time. He seemed relaxed and at ease with them. He was a little unsure of what was going on, but it looked like a really good match so they took George home. As soon as they got home, they emailed us and sent us pictures and let us know their existing dog is very gentle with him, as if he knows George needs a little support right now. So, thanks to this website, George is finally in his forever home. He was rescued after about seven years of neglect, but now he gets to spend the rest of his life being loved and he will never be alone again. Thanks, Jeff, for making this site available! It made all the difference. The $100.00 adoption fee is a donation to the site. | |  |